Level 3 Courses
Microprocessor Systems Project - COMPENG 2DX3
- Learned about the fundamentals of microprocessor systems and embedded system design
- Designed and built an embedded spatial measurement system using a time-of-flight sensor, stepper motor and microprocessor
- Grade received: A
Logic Design - COMPENG 2DI4
- Used Quartus II software (an environment for system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) design)
- Implemented logic gates, combinational logic, programmable logic and sequential logic
- Grade received: A+
Advanced Electromagnetics II - ELECENG 3FK4
- Used theory learned in lectures to create MATLAB programs that evaluate and graph electromagnetic concepts and equations
- Example: graph electric field lines and potential field lines
- Grade received: A+
Electronic Devices and Circuits I - ELECENG 2EI4
- Learned about semiconductor devices and electronic circuits; electrical characteristics, principles of operation, circuit models of diodes, field-effect and bipolar transistors, and operational amplifiers; analysis and design of basic application circuits
- Several design projects, including the successful design of a DC power supply, voltage-controlled switch, amplifier and XOR gate design with MOSFETs
- Grade received: A+
Health Solutions Design Projects III - IBEHS 3P04
- Designed a device to monitor rotator cuff tear injury rehabilitation and recovery remotely using the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
- Grade received: A+
Biomedical Signals and Systems - IBEHS 3A03
- Created MATLAB scripts to test systems for linearity, causality, time variance and memory
- Discussed linear systems, signals, input-output relations of linear systems; discrete and continuous time systems; transfer functions, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms; sampling theory; stability
- Grade received: A+
Statistical Methods Biomedical Engineering - IBEHS 4C03
- Used statistical packages from NumPy, pandas, seaborn, statsmodels and SciPy
- Analyzed probability distributions
- Conducted t-tests and z-tests to test null hypotheses
- Ran linear and logistic regression to create models
- Reviewed proper Design of Experiment (used DOEPy)
- Grade received: A+
Level 2 Courses
Principles of Programming - COMPENG 2SH4
- Programming languages: Java and C
- Solved problems using loops, decision statements, relational and logic operations, arrays, functions, strings, pointers, dynamic memory allocation and linked list
- Grade received: A+
Introduction to Electrical Engineering - ELECENG 2CI5 AND Circuits and Systems - ELECENG 2CJ4
- Used Analog Discovery 2 Board, breadboard and Waveforms to implement circuit-based projects
- Performed labs involving circuit elements, phasors, AC power, impedance and admittance, dependant sources, power relationships, operational amplifiers and frequency response
- Grades received: A+
Data Structures - COMPENG 2SI4
- Programming language: Java
- Solved problems using stacks, queues, recursion, trees, binary search trees, hashing, sorting methods (ie. bubble sort, merge sort, etc.) and graph theory
- Grade received: A+
Health Solutions Design Projects II - IBEHS 2P03
- Created a genetic engineering project that detected markers for colorectal cancer (nitric oxide and heme) for early detection of colorectal cancer
- The system was designed to detect specific biomarkers in the gastrointestinal tract that lead to changes in structure to produce colours visible in the stool of the end user
- Project simulated using Simbiology (MATLAB add-on)
- Grade received: A+
Electromagnetics - ELECENG 2FH4
- Used theory learned in lectures to create MATLAB programs that evaluate and graph electromagnetic concepts and equations
- Vector analysis, electric field, electric flux, electric potential, electric current, capacitance, boundary conditions, image theory and inductance​
- Grade received: A+